Account 1

Account managed by our team get +50% as profit in 3 months.
Deposit: 345 000$
profit: 175 000$

Account 2

Account managed by our team get +396% as profit in 3 years
deposit: 91 000$
profit: 360 000$

Account 3

Account managed by our team get +390% as profit in 2 months
deposit: 4 000$
profit: 15 000$

Account Management 

Our latest results of account managed by our team

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much monthly profit?

Monthly target is 30-50%

how much the max DD?

Max DD is 20%

How much Fee?

- Account less than 10k :: Fee is 50%
- Account between 10-50k :: Fee is 40%
- Account more than 100k :: fee is 35%

When we share profit?

We share profit every week.

How receive share's profit?

Bank wire, western union, PayPal, webmoney, Skrill, netteler , visa card.

Can I work with my currently broker or should open a new account ?

you can work with any broker you want but we prefer to be a true ecn broker to save our work and to save your money.

Minimum deposit?

minimum deposit is 2k

what should I do if I want to start managing my account?

To start text the admin via WhatsApp +9613192118 or via telegram leader signals and send your account details :
- Server
- Account number
- Password

Can your team withdrawal money from my account when I send my data ?

No one can deposit our withdrawal your money because Forex account is like bank account , you are the admin and we cannot do anything else open and close trades

Can I open trades or modify trades when the team work on my account?

absolutely no, you cannot share us anything. you watch and wait when we finish to withdrawal profit then send our fee.

Can I see your performance?

sure, scroll this page to see some accounts that we manage it:)

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